Track Name
Track Artist

Good karma dao
Membership NFTs

Help take the lead on setting a new standard for how the music industry operates and how artists are treated

Membership nfts

Join the movement toward a better music industry. This NFT will give you the power to have a say in what the record label does. Not to mention there will be countless benefits added along the way!


NFTs available


NFT Mint Price


One DAO vote per wallet

NFT will automatically update to display POAPs form events attended

NFT will be customizable in V2-onward

Mint your membership NFT!

The membership NFT serves as a living record of all of the Good Karma events you’ve attended, votes you have participated in, and it will be customizable in the future so that you can decorate and express your own personal music identity!


Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get with my NFT membership?
How much does it cost to mint my NFT membership?
How many can I mint?
Who is behind the project?
What is an NFT?
What does it mean to “mint” an NFT?

Good Karma Records is a record label looking to shift how the music industry works with the power of web3 technology. We want to put the power back into the creator’s hands, and propel artists forward in their journey while letting them keep the majority of their revenue, unlike major mainstream labels.